
For Your Health Wellness Group

For Your Health Wellness Group

Massage Therapy * Ortho-Bionomy * Clinical Counselling

Patrick Visser, RMT 604-865-1768 | Patrick offers 30 minute treatments using Rapid Neurofascial Reset. RAPID sessions target pain within the body. The client is clothed and will move their limbs or body while the therapist anchors against the painful legion, all within the therapeutic tolerance of the client. This helps with pain relief and creates changes within the nervous system. Helps with swelling in the feet, shoulder pain, post surgery, hip pain, achilles and plantar fascia pain and migraines. New clients will only be offered this modality. Scott McQuitty, ROBP 604-741-3233 | Many seek Ortho-Bionomy to: • Relieve headaches, back, neck & joint pain • Alleviate Frozen shoulder & carpal tunnel syndrome • Promote Relaxation & Prevention As the body relaxes, tension leaves and self-correcting reflexes emerge. Jolene Bloomfield, RCC 581-807-8153 | The Liminal Space Counselling practice is led by Jolene who brings her experiences as a cancer-survivor, parent, daughter, sister and years of walking this Earth to help her clients bounce back from trauma, loss, and conflict. She brings these insights and experiences into her therapeutic relationships to empathise there is hope wherever your are on your journey. RMT: 604-865-1768 RCC: 581-807-8153 ROBP: 604-741-3233



219 – 5710 Teredo Street
V0N 3A0

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