
Personal Best Martial Arts Academy

Personal Best Martial Arts Academy

Amazing programs for kids to get more focused, fit, and confident!

Since they've opened, Personal Best Martial Arts Academy has been dedicated to changing the lives of Children one person at a time, through martial arts, education, and coaching.

They strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and welcoming atmosphere for all students and family members in Port Coquitlam. They take pride in creating an environment for individuals to achieve, develop, and succeed in their personal goals.

Personal Best Martial Arts Academy strongly believes that martial arts is a Must For children! Personal Best specializes in Children’s Martial arts. Throughout all of their programs, students will not only learn the necessary skill sets to protect themselves, they stand behind their realistic and practical approach, confident it will enable every member to achieve greatness and live their best life.



1647 Broadway St
Port Coquitlam
V3C 6P8




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